Children's Ministry
Nursery - Fifth Grade
The mission of our children’s ministry is to partner with parents as we seek to glorify God through bringing up children in the “discipline and instruction of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4) As the covenant community, our goal is to assist, not replace, parents in the process of teaching and training children to love Christ and His Word, love His Church, and share the gospel to those in their community and world.
It is our joy and honor to show children His love through the teaching of the essential and foundational elements of the Christian faith. It is our prayer that each child will have a personal relationship with Christ with the chief purpose of glorifying God and enjoying Him forever.
Our children’s ministry is for children from birth through 5th grade and includes the following opportunities:
Nursery (birth - age 3)
Sunday School
Creekside Kids
Communicants Class
Vacation Bible School
Nursery (birth-age to 3)
We are pleased to offer Nursery for children ages birth through three-years-old on Sunday mornings during the worship service (9:30am) and Sunday School (11:00am). Our nursery workers seek to show little ones and their families God’s love and care.
Nursery Check-In
9:30 am service: check-in begins at 9:15 am
11:00 am service: check-in begins at 10:45 am
Sunday School (K3 - 5th Grade)
Children’s Sunday School meets at 10:45am. Our Sunday School curriculum is designed to teach the essentials of the Christian faith by studying scripture as the unfolding story of salvation through Christ, scripture memory, and catechisms. First Catechism, based on the Westminster Shorter Catechism, teaches children what they believe and why they believe it in a question-and-answer format using simple, straightforward language.
Creekside Kids Children's Program
(K3 - 5th Grade)
Creekside Kids meets on Sunday evenings from 6:00pm-7:30pm during the school year. The mission of Creekside Kids is to help children put Christ first in every phase of life while forming healthy relationships through various fellowship and service-oriented activities. The evening includes a snack time, play time, and Bible study.
Communicants' Class
Communicants’ classes are held periodically throughout the year. Dates of the classes are announced in the worship guide. Children of believers are considered part of the visible church; however, they are non-communing members until personally professing faith in Jesus. The Communicants’ Class is designed to help cement and increase the child’s understanding of their salvation in Christ and membership in the church.
Vacation Bible School
VBS is typically held in June and is an important outreach to our community. During this week, children learn the truths of the Christian faith through Bible stories, games, crafts, and music. Registration information may be found on our website beginning in late April or early May.
Volunteers are an integral part of our Children’s Ministry. Our volunteers’ mission is to love our covenant children and children of the community in a safe place where every child and parent sees the love of God in the people who care for them.
For information on volunteering, please contact Denise O’Neal by calling the church office or by emailing
Nursery Schedule
The current nursery volunteer schedule may be found here.