To be a congregation of redeemed people pursuing Gospel transformation together.
We consider the following to be strategically critical to fulfilling our mission:
Worship that is centered around and rooted in the Gospel as revealed throughout Scripture. Our worship is saturated with humble reverence for God’s mercy and grateful rejoicing in His grace as we honor and glorify Christ.
Discipleship that imparts sound doctrine and equips believers to apply Biblical truth leading to maturity in Christ. We seek to prepare every able member to participate in ministry to others.
Community in Christ that displays a love of God through encouraging and caring for one another in the fellowship of the saints. We welcome others to join us in our walk with Christ
Outreach to:
Our community as we seek to bring the light of the Gospel through intentional acts and individual relationships
Targeted areas beyond our community through (prayerfully & financially) supporting missionaries and encouraging our members to go themselves
The Word of God tells us “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.” (Colossians 1:28)
What do we mean by that? At least five things:
Committed to the Bible
First, we are committed to the Bible, God’s inerrant and infallible word, as the final authority for faith and life. We view the faithful preaching (and hearing) of God’s Word as essential to growth and maturity in the Christian life.
Committed to the Reformed Faith
Second, we are committed to the Reformed Faith, as set forth in the historic Westminster Confession of faith and Catechisms (Shorter and Longer). This is the best known of the seventeenth century Protestant statements of faith.
The doctrine of grace of our confession are beloved to Reformed Christians because they are biblical and emphasize the sovereignty of God in salvation. (Ephesians 2:8 & 9) We rejoice in and proclaim the God who saves sinners!
Committed to the Great Commission
Third, proclaiming Christ means we are committed to the Great Commission. We support more than 30 missionaries and evangelists at home and abroad. We believe that the gospel is the “power of God unto salvation" (Romans 1:16) and we proclaim Christ.
Committed to Christian Fellowship
Fourth, we are committed to the biblical teaching of the communion of saints. As a church we seek to foster real Christian fellowship, mutual concern and biblical love in the life of our congregation.
Committed to God-Sent Revival
Finally, like our forebears, we believe that the only hope for the world is the spiritual regeneration of souls through the work of the Spirit of God. We pray fervently for God-sent revival in our lives, our church, our city and the world. (Titus 3:5 & 6)
Perry Presbyterian Church is a confessional church, fully committed to living out in today's context the rich theology, piety, and practice of the historic Christian faith recovered at the Protestant Reformation, and best summarized in the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms.
As a Presbyterian church, we are connectional. That is to say, we're connected to other Presbyterian churches, on both a local and national level (Acts 15). For us, this means membership in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).
More information on our denomination may be found here: https://pcanet.org/